Archives for April 2009

Headwaters Forest protest

April 14, 2009, | “The showing of this film in Ashland was a great family reunion for lots of people who worked together to protect the ancient forests of southwest Oregon in the 1980s and 90s — very emotional and powerful!  Thanks Darryl Cherney for reminding us, helping inspire us to extend our activism for the forests to activism for the whole planet.”

“~ A MUST-SEE TO INSPIRE ACTIVISM! The showing of this film in Ashland was a great family reunion for lots of people who worked together to protect the ancient forests of southwest Oregon in the 1980s and 90s — very emotional and powerful!
Thanks Darryl Cherney for reminding us, helping inspire us to extend our activism for the forests to activism for the whole planet.
It was great to see signs at protests in 1990 linking the clearcutting of ancient forests to global warming/climate catastprophe.
1000 people were arrested at a huge rally in Carlotta in 1996 against the deforestation of ancient redwoods.
Now, 17 years later, thousands of people are preparing to get arrested at the White House on February 17 in a huge rally for action against climate change.
By showing what we could do then, this movie shows that we can do even more now!
Headwaters Forest protest, a thousand arrested in 1996
News Story from Humboldt County, 1996. Shot by Kenneth Thomas.”
  • Kat Karnes, Jim Dancingtrout, Ron Gilbert,  Maryska Azzena, Kat Karnes, Brad Rivers, and Richard K. Nawa like this.